Present indefinite tense ( सामान्य वर्तमान काल )
Present tense
Definition :-
When the time frame of the action under discussion is current, is said to be in the present tense.
( जिन वाक्यों में कार्य के वर्तमान ने मैं होने का बोध होता है उसे वर्तमान काल कहते हैं)
There are four time of presents tense -
1. Present indefinite
2. Present continuous
3. Present perfect
4. Present perfect continuous
Present indefinite tense (सामान्य वर्तमान काल)
Mean :- (यह अनिश्चितता का बोध कराता है)
Example:- He goes to school.
Example:- He goes to school.
She reads books.
Identity ( पहचान ):- हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में ता है, ती है ,ते है आता है |
Often, Always, Rarely, Daily, seldom, Usually, Generally, sometimes, Never, Regularly, Frequently, once, twice, several times etc,
Every day / night /week / month / year etc,
Note:- (English sentences के किसी भी sentences में यदि इनमें से कोई adverbials आती है तो हम हमेशा present simple tense का use करेंगे )
Universal truth( सार्वभौमिक सत्य ), Habitual action, permanent states, fixed programs. Public function, Newspaper headline, proverbial saying and quotation( कहावतों और कथनों )
( Always use present simple tense in above condition.)
Use of 'es' :-
Often, Always, Rarely, Daily, seldom, Usually, Generally, sometimes, Never, Regularly, Frequently, once, twice, several times etc,
Every day / night /week / month / year etc,
Each day / night /week / month / year etc,
On Sunday /Monday /Tuesday etc,
In the morning / in the evening .On Sunday /Monday /Tuesday etc,
Note:- (English sentences के किसी भी sentences में यदि इनमें से कोई adverbials आती है तो हम हमेशा present simple tense का use करेंगे )
Universal truth( सार्वभौमिक सत्य ), Habitual action, permanent states, fixed programs. Public function, Newspaper headline, proverbial saying and quotation( कहावतों और कथनों )
( Always use present simple tense in above condition.)
Helping verb ( सहायक क्रिया ) :-
1. Do 2. Does
Use of 'do' with - I, we, you, they and plural noun.
Use of ' does' with - He, she, it, name and singular noun.
Verb:- first form of verb +s/es
verb के अंत में ( S / SS / CH / SH / X / O / Z ) आता है तो + es जोड़ेंगे | Other के साथ ''s" जोड़ेंगे |
Use of 'es' :-
Examples :-
Brush + es = brushes
Brush + es = brushes
Buzz + es = buzzes
Pass. + es = passes
Search + es = search
Fox. + es = foxes
Go. + es = goes
Search + es = search
Fox. + es = foxes
Go. + es = goes
Use of 's' :-
Examples :-
come + s = comes,
Examples :-
come + s = comes,
Book + s = books etc
Note :- Does note use ' s/es ' with I, we, you, they and plural noun.
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