Some rules of " ing " form (present continuous tense )
Some rules for putting the end of the verb :--
1} If 'e' comes at the end of action, we will remove ' e ' and add ' ing '
( यदि किसी क्रिया के अंत में 'e' आता है तो 'e' को हटाकर 'ing ' जोड़ देंगे )
come + ing = coming
Move + ing = moving
Write + ing = writing
Live + ing = living
Example:- She is writing a letter at present.
Move + ing = moving
Write + ing = writing
Live + ing = living
Example:- She is writing a letter at present.
Exception ( अपवाद ) :-
Dye + ing = dyeing
Singe + ing = singeing
Example :- Radha is dyeing her blouse pink.
2} If there is a consonant at the end of a verb before it is a vowel(a,e,i,o,u, ) the consonant becomes double.
( यदि किसी क्रिया के अंत में एक व्यंजन हो और व्यंजन से पहले एक स्वर हो तो व्यंजन डबल हो जाता है)
Stop + ing = stopping
Run + ing = running
Swim + ing = swimming
Swim + ing = swimming
Cut + ing = cutting
Example:- They are cutting tree.
Example :- They are quarrelling in the class.
Example:- They are cutting tree.
Exception :-
* But will not double by adding " ing " to the verb ending with h , q , u , w , y and x
( लेकिन h ,q ,u ,w ,y व x से समाप्त होने वाली क्रिया मैं ing जोड़ने पर डबल नहीं होंगी)
( लेकिन h ,q ,u ,w ,y व x से समाप्त होने वाली क्रिया मैं ing जोड़ने पर डबल नहीं होंगी)
Grow + ing = growing
Draw + ing = drawing
Fix + ing = fixing
Example:- You are drawing .
3} If the single vowels is + l at the end of the verb then double the "l " while applying " ing "
( यदि क्रिया के अंत में single स्वर + l हो तो ing लगाते समय l को डबल करेंगे )
Travel + ing = travelling
Quarrel + ing = quarrelling
Fulfil. + ing = fulfillingQuarrel + ing = quarrelling
Example :- They are quarrelling in the class.
4} If there is a consonant at the end of the verb more then one vowel before it do not double the consonant and add the " ing "
( यदि क्रिया के अंत में व्यंजन (consonant ) हो और उससे पहले एक से अधिक स्वर ( vowel ) हो तो व्यंजन को डबल मत करो और " ing" जोड़ दो )
Beat + ing = beating
Feel + ing = feeling
Treat + ing = treating
Example :-- You are feeling better.
Feel + ing = feeling
Treat + ing = treating
Example :-- You are feeling better.
5} If the end of the action is 'y' or 'll' , will not remove 'y' or 'll' while ingesting.
( जिस क्रिया के अंत में y या ll हो तो ing लगाते समय y या ll को नहीं हटाएंगे )
Play + ing = playing
Fly + ing = flying
Tell + ing = telling
Example :-- He is playing football in the garden.
Tell + ing = telling
Example :-- He is playing football in the garden.
6} If -ie is at the end of the verb you will add 'ing' to it instead of -ie -y
( यदि क्रिया के अंत में -ie हो तो -ie के स्थान पर -y लगाकर उसमें ing जोड़ देंगे )
Die + ing = dying
Lie + ing = lying .
Tie + ing = tying
Example: -- They are dying on road.
7} If there is a consonant at the end of a verb , add the ing at the end of consonant .
( यदि क्रिया के अंत में कोई व्यंजन हो तो व्यंजन के अंत में ing जोड़ देते हैं )
Eat + ing = eating
Drink + ing = drinking
Sing. + ing. = singing
Bring + ing. = bring
Example:-- I am eating food .
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