The verbs are not normally used in continuous (" ing " ) form
The following verbs are not commonly used in continuous tenses.
* निम्नलिखित verbs का प्रयोग सामान्यतया Continuous tenses नहीं होता है |
1. Verbs of perception
( ज्ञानेंद्रियों के अनुभव को व्यक्त करने वाली क्रियाएं )
See , hear , taste , feel , smell , notice , prefer , please etc.
Example :-
(i) I see a picture . ( correct ) I am seeing a picture . ( Incorrect)
(ii) I hear a song . ( Correct ) I am hearing a song. ( Incorrect)
Hear के साथ ing का प्रयोग सुनने के भाव में नहीं होता है बल्कि सुनवाई के लिए होता है
The 'ing ' with hearing is not used in the sense of hearing but for hearing .
The 'ing ' with hearing is not used in the sense of hearing but for hearing .
Example :-
(i) The judge is hearing the case.
(न्यायधीश मुकदमे की सुनवाई कर रहे हैं )
(न्यायधीश मुकदमे की सुनवाई कर रहे हैं )
2. Verbs showing feelings or state of mind
( भावनाओं या मानसिक स्थिति को व्यक्त करने वाली क्रियाएं )
Believe , desire , dislike ,doubt ,want , hate , wish , forget , care , hope , know , love , like ,refuse , mean , imagine , prefer , remember , suppose , understand , appear , etc .
Example :-
(i) He appears to be rich . ( Correct )
He is appearing to be rich . ( Incorrect )
(ii) She is believe in God . ( Correct )
She is believing in God . ( Incorrect )
3. Verbs showing possession
( प्रभुत्व या अधिकार प्रदर्शित करने वाली क्रियाएं)
Possess , own , belong to , have , owe , matter , be , consist of , contain , cost , depend on , deserve , fit , require, remain , concern , resemble etc.
(i) I have a dozen of horses. (Correct )
I am having a dozen of horses . ( Incorrect)
(ii) He possesses a vast area of land . ( correct )
He possessing a vast area of land . ( Incorrect )
4. Verbs denoting the process of thinking
( विचार शीलता की विभिन्न अवस्थाओं को व्यक्त करने वाली क्रियाएं )
Know , think, suppose ,remember , forget , recollect, mind , recall , understand , mean , realize , agree, believe , consider , imagine , trust , etc .
Example: -
(i) She thinks that you are an honest man. ( Correct )
She is thinking that you are an honest man.(Incorrect )
She is thinking that you are an honest man.(Incorrect )
( ii ) I remember you now. ( Correct )
I am remembering you now ( Incorrect )
5.Verbs showing of appearance.
( दिखावे को व्यक्त करने वाली क्रियाएं )
Look , seem , appear, etc.
(i) The moon looks beautiful. ( Correct )
The moon is looking beautiful. ( Incorrect)
(ii) You seem tired.( Correct )
You are seeming tired. (Incorrect)
(ii) You seem tired.( Correct )
You are seeming tired. (Incorrect)
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